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Photo Ben Gebo Photography

Ben Gebo Photography

Order Captopril online no prescription, [donotprint]STRATEGY SESSION: This recipe requires consideration of the usual issues of fat, calories, glycemic index, glycemic load and flavor. The twin problems of  fat and calories are easily solved by choosing the leanest cut of pork and then subjecting it to radical surgery, rx free Captopril. Captopril over the counter, I also use the minimum amount of oil required for roasting. The high glycemic  index of Port and dark soy are moderated by the red wine. The intense flavor comes from a combination of sequential reduction and marination, purchase Captopril online. Buy Captopril no prescription,

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  • March 1 2010, 7:56 AM

    This looks stunning! Love the background/nutritional info also!

  • March 1 2010, 8:48 AM

    Thanks, Peggy!! Meat is notoriously difficult to style and shoot. If you asked Ben Gebo what he observes when we photograph meat, he’d say that I have an anxiety attack every time!! This is one of my very best recipes. and the photo doesn’t begin to convey how delicious it really is. I hope you’ll make it and enjoy it!!

  • March 1 2010, 9:29 AM

    Great dish, Deborah. I knew pork tenderloin was low in fat … but not that low. Thanks for the great info, as always!

  • March 1 2010, 9:52 AM

    Thanks, Deana. It’s wonderful to know that some people really are interested in this stuff!

  • March 1 2010, 11:55 AM

    Well trimmed pork tenderloin is one of our favorite mammal meats on the occasions when we eat it. And I’ve been looking for a new port reduction sauce recipe for something just like this and the one you share here sounds delicious so it will get a try out soon! I can’t use soy - can I add some sea salt instead? The roasted turnips are great too, btw!

  • March 1 2010, 12:02 PM

    You can absolutely substitute salt for the soy, but I’m not at all sure about the right quantities of salt + molassess. I’d start with 2 teaspoons molasses and 1/8 teaspoon of salt and see how it tastes, then adjust accordingly. I hope you enjoy it. It’s also delicious with Fennel with Garlic and Parsley, if you’re feeling ambitious!

  • March 7 2010, 2:56 PM

    Wow, now that looks delicious.

  • March 9 2010, 12:52 PM

    First, this recipe tastes just as delicious as it looks in the remarkable photo!

    We’ve actually tried the port sauce two times.

    First, as part of the pork tenderloin dish. Absolutely delicious! Awe did try the fennel recipe with it which is deserving of its own “thumbs way up” review. So, thanks for suggesting the fennel.

    We also tried the port sauce on its own, taking it straight to reduction and then straining out the shallots and thyme. That was great too. In fact our other port sauce redux recipes in our “keeper” file were tossed out and replaced by this one!

    Since I avoid soy, we added a couple of nice pinches of kosher salt and found that plus a little better than 1 tsp of organic blackstrap molasses seems about the right touch. However, my palate can imagine (does that sound odd? ;-) ) what the flavor would be like with the soy added in and next time we make this we’re going to do that…food sensitivity be darned!

  • March 9 2010, 2:58 PM

    I’m so happy that you and your husband have enjoyed this recipe. I make it all the time for my husband and son. There’s just something about pork and port…


  • April 28 2010, 1:57 PM

    This looks and sounds absolutely delicious!

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